Dear Friends,
Ceramic artists create objects so central to our lives. You know how gratifying it is to savor your morning coffee or tea in a cup that fits perfectly in your hand, serve a meal on hand-made plates and platters, or engage friends in conversation inspired by a sculpture and its story.
Like me, you also appreciate the dedication, research, experimentation, discipline, and artistic talent required to create these objects. As an art enthusiast or artist yourself, you’ve seen or experienced the transformational power of a residency. Whether it is a young maker or an established artist ready to move in a new direction, the time away from the routine to explore new ideas, relationships, and collaborations can be art changing and life changing.
As we begin a new year, all of us at Watershed extend our heartfelt thanks to the artists, donors, volunteers, and community and business partners that made 2015 so vibrant and successful. We look forward to welcoming you to campus in 2016, connecting at NCECA and other national events, and keeping you apprised of new opportunities and ways to stay involved with Watershed.
With our very best wishes for the New Year,

Fran Rudoff
Executive Director
P.S. Learn more about what makes Watershed unique and what your support can accomplish in the new year.
P.P.S. Make sure to check out our 2016 Residency Sessions!